Wind Turbine Seafastening

With over 15 years of experience, TWD has established a proven track record in providing to-tier wind turbine seafastening services for projects worldwide. We collaborated closely with leading contractors and manufacturers to meet the demand of ever-increasing turbine sizes.

By proactively addressing challenges such as vessel strength, component integrity, and workability, we deliver robust and reliable solutions for offshore wind projects. Our tailored designs ensure each WTG component is securely fastened and protected throughout transportation and installation, ensuring project success from start to finish.

Versatile and Future Proof Designs

As offshore wind components continue to grow, having resilient seafastening equipment is crucial. At TWD, our designs allow seafastening equipment reuse across different turbine sizes, manufacturers, and vessels. This flexibility results in significant time and cost savings. Reducing the need for new seafastening equipment minimizes the time spent demobilizing and mobilizing vessels between projects. For example, TWD provided a wind turbine seafastening design for Boskalis and Van Oord, enabling two different vessels, the Pacific Orca and Aeolus, to use the same seafastening equipment for four different wind farms: Aberdeen Bay, Norther, Deutsche Bucht, and Borselle 3 and 4.

Maximizing Your Deck Space Capacity

TWD maximizes deck space while ensuring personal safety and vessel integrity, allowing clients to carry as many turbine components as possible per trip. We ensure our clients optimize their turbine installation time, reducing delays, and enhancing efficiency. This means faster project completion, lower costs, and smoother transitions between different stages of the installation process. Through methods such as stacking, skidding, and cantilevering , our designs improve available deck space. For example, our blade rack substructure design for the Wind Osprey, cantilevered over the aft of the vessel to take five sets of WTG components per trip. This was achieved whilst ensuring simple and efficient load transfers from the blade superstructure via the substructure and into the deck.

Global Vessel Integrity

As turbines grow in size and weight, vessels are being pushed to their limits to carry as many turbines as possible. To ensure vessel integrity, it is crucial to understand how the weight of these turbine components influences the vessel during the transport and installation process. TWD has a dedicated in-house team that analyzes global vessel integrity – through partial or complete modeling of vessels during various phases of the transport and installation, we understand the local and global behavior of the loads. As the (global) vessel integrity plays an integral part in the seafastening design process, this ensures optimized seafastening designs with well-thought boundary conditions. This service ensures you can meet current and future turbine demands.

Happy to Assist With Your Next Challenge

TWD is a leading engineering company with a growing track record expertise in turbine feedering operations and designing customized seafastening for wind turbine generators (WTG). Our multidisciplinary teams are known for delivering robust, smart, and easy to implement innovative solutions through method engineering and equipment design. Discover more in our Offshore Wind Track Record, or get in touch to discuss your project specific questions.

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