TPCII pin pile lifting
TPCII pin pile lifting

Pin Pile Lifting Tool – TPC II

Designed to lift and upend pin piles for installing jackets

Shinfox Far East (SFE) commissioned TWD to design a pin pile lifting tool (PPLT) for the TPC Offshore Wind Farm off the coast of Taiwan. The tool’s primary function is to lift pin piles for installing jackets, which serve as foundations for offshore wind turbine generators. In addition to the PPLT, TWD designed a dedicated seafastening frame for storing the tool during transit. 

The PPLT is designed to lift and upend the pin pile by securing itself with hydraulic clamps. It includes a stabbing frame to ensure a smooth landing on the pin pile and has a working load limit (WLL) of 800 tons. 

The main challenge was to deliver the PPLT within a strict timeline. TWD addressed this by adapting the design to match component procurement times, using off-the-shelf parts when possible, and providing procurement and fabrication assistance. The successful outcome was achieved through dynamic cooperation among suppliers, fabricators, SFE, and TWD. 

Project highlights: 

  • Ensures smooth landing by using a stabbing frame
  • Design adaptations to match procurement timeline
  • Main clamps frame with rotational capacity
  • Centralizing cylinders to ensure clamps alignment and pile disengagement
  • Fully remote controlled

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