Green Jade Pin Pile Seafastening
Green Jade Pin Pile Seafastening
Hai Long Pin Pile Equipment TWD
Hai Long Pin Pile Equipment TWD

Pin Pile Seafastening – Hai Long

TWD was awarded a contract by CSBC-DEME Wind Engineering (CDWE) to design specialized pin pile installation equipment, essential for the successful implementation of the Hai Long project. This offshore wind farm, with a capacity exceeding 1 GW, will utilize the state-of-the-art heavy lift vessel Green Jade for the installation work.

Seafastening Solutions 
TWD’s expertise extended to the design of the pin pile seafastening system, a critical aspect of the transportation and installation process. The design featured four sets of three pin piles stacked vertically, each equipped with its own upending hinge. This configuration was specifically engineered to facilitate secure and efficient handling of the pin piles, minimizing the risk of damage during transit and installation. 

The seafastening system was designed to withstand the dynamic forces encountered during offshore operations. TWD’s engineers conducted thorough studies to ensure that the system could securely hold the pin piles in place, even under the most demanding conditions.

In addition to the pin pile seafastening, TWD was responsible for the design of the impact hammer and follower seafastening.  

Project highlights

  • Equipped with own upending hinge
  • Designed to withstand dynamic forces

As the global wind energy sector expands, a shortage of vessels for handling bigger monopiles is foreseen. Simply scaling up isn’t enough. Download our Whitepaper to explore how TWD tackles supply chain bottlenecks with innovative installation methods, or get our Offshore Wind Track Record to see how we have helped industry leaders succeed in their installations.